My life was beautiful until a week ago when they started the war against humanity.
Being the only child of the family, expectedly, mother’s love knew no bounds. It still doesn’t.
Still remember the day Daddy brought me home. I’m the kid who doesn’t like milk and biscuits. Meat, cold cuts and ice cream is the stuff for me.
Since the past five days, there has been utter chaos all over the area.
Mother’s been looking prettier than she always does. She’s wearing a saree today, diamond-studded earrings, bangles that clink to make a soothing symphony all day. Daddy’s wearing something something festive too. I’m guessing the dangerous thunder’s got something to do with celebration. Daddy says it’s the festival of lights – Diwali. No wonder the streets are wearing dresses of colourful lights and plastic. There’s one hanging outside our home too.
The neighbourhood kid tells me its everywhere, on the streets, the opposite building, even the otherwise silent church compound.
They sound like bombs, puke fire on their way and I’m guessing, get vanquished in the process. I heard Daddy talking about suicide bombers. I think they’re something like that. Whatever it is, I don’t like it. I’ve been hiding under the sofa all day.
Mother’s warmth has been guaranteeing some peace of mind and Daddy says he’ll give the naughty neighbourhood boys a piece of his mind. Daddy says they’re bursting something called “crackers”. It seems they dangerous to our surroundings and he used a word that sounded like pollination. Even my most favourite place,
If you are reading this, please help me spread the message. Take a moment and think of me and my friends. Is the noise really important? Why not celebrate with lights only? From what I see right now, the world looks beautiful when it wears these dresses made of shiny bulbs. I’m sure, minus the crackers, it’ll be only much more beautiful.
I’m sure I’m not the only dog hating it all. Let’s have a Happy Diwali in the truest sense.
PS: I’ve never had a pet and I’m not an animal lover. But right now, I don’t feel any less than the scared dog I saw at